
XfcePanelWindow —

A toplevel borderless window with optional move handles.


enum        XfceHandleStyle;
void        (*XfcePanelWindowMoveFunc)      (GtkWidget *widget,
                                             gpointer data,
                                             int *x,
                                             int *y);
void        (*XfcePanelWindowResizeFunc)    (GtkWidget *widget,
                                             gpointer data,
                                             GtkAllocation *previous,
                                             GtkAllocation *allocation,
                                             int *x,
                                             int *y);
GtkWidget*  xfce_panel_window_new           (void);
void        xfce_panel_window_set_orientation
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             GtkOrientation orientation);
GtkOrientation xfce_panel_window_get_orientation
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window);
void        xfce_panel_window_set_handle_style
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             XfceHandleStyle handle_style);
XfceHandleStyle xfce_panel_window_get_handle_style
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window);
void        xfce_panel_window_set_show_border
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             gboolean top_border,
                                             gboolean bottom_border,
                                             gboolean left_border,
                                             gboolean right_border);
void        xfce_panel_window_get_show_border
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             gboolean *top_border,
                                             gboolean *bottom_border,
                                             gboolean *left_border,
                                             gboolean *right_border);
void        xfce_panel_window_set_resize_function
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             XfcePanelWindowResizeFunc function,
                                             gpointer data);
void        xfce_panel_window_set_move_function
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             XfcePanelWindowMoveFunc function,
                                             gpointer data);
void        xfce_panel_window_set_movable   (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             gboolean movable);
gboolean    xfce_panel_window_get_movable   (XfcePanelWindow *window);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

XfcePanelWindow implements AtkImplementorIface.


  "handle-style"         XfceHandleStyle       : Read / Write
  "orientation"          GtkOrientation        : Read / Write

Signal Prototypes

"move"      void        user_function      (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                            gint x,
                                            gint y,
                                            gpointer user_data);
"move-end"  void        user_function      (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                            gint x,
                                            gint y,
                                            gpointer user_data);
            void        user_function      (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                            gpointer user_data);
            void        user_function      (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                            GtkOrientation orientation,
                                            gpointer user_data);


A widget derived from GtkWindow that implements a toplevel window for panels. It optionally can have one or two move handles.



typedef struct _XfcePanelWindow XfcePanelWindow;

The XfcePanelWindow-struct struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

enum XfceHandleStyle

typedef enum /*<enum,prefix=XFCE_HANDLE_STYLE >*/

Style of the handles on an XfcePanelWindow.

XFCE_HANDLE_STYLE_BOTH Two handles, one on each side.
XFCE_HANDLE_STYLE_START One handle at the start.
XFCE_HANDLE_STYLE_END One handle at the end.

XfcePanelWindowMoveFunc ()

void        (*XfcePanelWindowMoveFunc)      (GtkWidget *widget,
                                             gpointer data,
                                             int *x,
                                             int *y);

Callback function that can be used to restrict manual movement of the XfcePanelWindow. The function should modify x and y to set the new position.

widget : The XfcePanelWindow widget
data : user data supplied with the function
x : location of the new x coordinate
y : location of the new y coordinate

XfcePanelWindowResizeFunc ()

void        (*XfcePanelWindowResizeFunc)    (GtkWidget *widget,
                                             gpointer data,
                                             GtkAllocation *previous,
                                             GtkAllocation *allocation,
                                             int *x,
                                             int *y);

Callback function that can be used to adjust the position of the XfcePanelWindow when its size changes. The function should modify x and y to set the new position.

widget : The XfcePanelWindow widget
data : user data supplied with the function
previous : Old GtkAllocation
allocation : New GtkAllocation
x : location of the new x coordinate
y : location of the new y coordinate

xfce_panel_window_new ()

GtkWidget*  xfce_panel_window_new           (void);

Create new panel window.

Returns : New GtkWidget

xfce_panel_window_set_orientation ()

void        xfce_panel_window_set_orientation
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             GtkOrientation orientation);

Set orientation for panel window.

window : XfcePanelWindow
orientation : new GtkOrientation

xfce_panel_window_get_orientation ()

GtkOrientation xfce_panel_window_get_orientation
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window);

Get orientation of panel window.

window : XfcePanelWindow
Returns : GtkOrientation of window

xfce_panel_window_set_handle_style ()

void        xfce_panel_window_set_handle_style
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             XfceHandleStyle handle_style);

Set handle style for panel window.

window : XfcePanelWindow
handle_style : new XfceHandleStyle

xfce_panel_window_get_handle_style ()

XfceHandleStyle xfce_panel_window_get_handle_style
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window);

Get handle style of panel window.

window : XfcePanelWindow
Returns : XfceHandleStyle of window

xfce_panel_window_set_show_border ()

void        xfce_panel_window_set_show_border
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             gboolean top_border,
                                             gboolean bottom_border,
                                             gboolean left_border,
                                             gboolean right_border);

Set border visibility for the panel window.

window : XfcePanelWindow
top_border : show top border
bottom_border : show bottom border
left_border : show left border
right_border : show right border

xfce_panel_window_get_show_border ()

void        xfce_panel_window_get_show_border
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             gboolean *top_border,
                                             gboolean *bottom_border,
                                             gboolean *left_border,
                                             gboolean *right_border);

Get visibility of panel window borders.

window : XfcePanelWindow
top_border : location for top border or NULL
bottom_border : location for bottom border or NULL
left_border : location for left border or NULL
right_border : location for right border or NULL

xfce_panel_window_set_resize_function ()

void        xfce_panel_window_set_resize_function
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             XfcePanelWindowResizeFunc function,
                                             gpointer data);

Set a function to modify resize behaviour of the panel window.

window : XfcePanelWindow
function : XfcePanelWindowResizeFunc
data : user data

xfce_panel_window_set_move_function ()

void        xfce_panel_window_set_move_function
                                            (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             XfcePanelWindowMoveFunc function,
                                             gpointer data);

Set a function to modify move behaviour of the panel window.

window : XfcePanelWindow
function : XfcePanelWindowMoveFunc
data : user data

xfce_panel_window_set_movable ()

void        xfce_panel_window_set_movable   (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                             gboolean movable);

Set if the panel window can be moved by the user.

window : XfcePanelWindow
movable : TRUE or FALSE.

xfce_panel_window_get_movable ()

gboolean    xfce_panel_window_get_movable   (XfcePanelWindow *window);

Check if the panel window can be moved by the user. By default this is TRUE.

window : XfcePanelWindow
Returns : TRUE if the user is allowed to move window, FALSE if not.


The "handle-style" property

  "handle-style"         XfceHandleStyle       : Read / Write

The XfceHandleStyle to use when drawing handles.


The "orientation" property

  "orientation"          GtkOrientation        : Read / Write

The orientation of the window. This the determines the way the handles are drawn.



The "move" signal

void        user_function                  (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                            gint x,
                                            gint y,
                                            gpointer user_data);

Emitted when the user moves the XfcePanelWindow to a new position with coordinates (x, y).

window : the XfcePanelWindow which emitted the signal
x : x coordinate of the new position
y : y coordinate of the new position
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "move-end" signal

void        user_function                  (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                            gint x,
                                            gint y,
                                            gpointer user_data);

Emitted when the user stops dragging the XfcePanelWindow. The latest position has coordinates (x, y).

window : the XfcePanelWindow which emitted the signal
x : x coordinate of the new positions
y : y coordinate of the new position
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "move-start" signal

void        user_function                  (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                            gpointer user_data);

Emitted when the user starts to drag the XfcePanelWindow.

window : the XfcePanelWindow which emitted the signal
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "orientation-changed" signal

void        user_function                  (XfcePanelWindow *window,
                                            GtkOrientation orientation,
                                            gpointer user_data);

Emitted when the orientation of the XfcePanelWindow changes.

window : the object which emitted the signal
orientation : the new GtkOrientation of the window
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.